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Sometimes I think to myself: I’ve already done so much. Quarantine life has me spreading myself too thin as a mother and it might be time to set aside all the do’s for now.
Between minding the kids, getting the chores done, and working our day jobs (or not), it’s difficult and even bothersome for people like us to think about self-care. Aside from hydration, a balanced diet, enough sleep and exercise; self-care also involves preserving our mental or emotional health.
So, to my co-moms out there, I’m no parenting expert, but let’s keep it real. Here are five don’ts that can help you take care of yourself in these stressful times.
1. Don’t be a perfectionist.
Breakfast slightly burned? Floors not swept? Smudges on the mirror? Dust on your shelves? Relax! Things don’t have to be perfect all the time. And we don't have to be perfect either. Nobody is. So, cut yourself some slack and actually be kind to yourself. This helps us to be kind to everyone else and grateful for what we have.
2. Don't try to do everything.
Watching videos about keeping yourself occupied while under quarantine? Feeling compelled to do them now that we “have time”? Don't give in to the pressure to be productive, to learn new things, practice new skills, take up new hobbies. How about, follow your heart? If something excites and motivates you, go ahead. Otherwise, keep the guilt pangs away.
As for household chores: let’s delegate!
3. Don't stress.
Hourly updates about the COVID-19 situation can be informative but very stressful. Social media feeds can also make us depressed. How people handle the crisis can also be a source of frustration. Chill! Time to put those gadgets down and step away from everything—for a day, a few days, even a week. Take conscious action to detach and de-stress.
4. Don't hesitate to indulge.
Sleep in. Eat to our heart’s content. Read in bed. Paint a forest on our garden wall. Dress up and put on makeup for dinner at home. Indulge in little things that offset those feelings of boredom and discontent—even temporarily. We deserve it!
5. Don't forget: We’re also human.
We’re allowed to fail, play hooky, be lazy, and be selfish when it’s for our own good. Because caring for ourselves is as essential as caring for our family.
Try to forget those preconceived notions of what mothers should be: unselfish, self-sacrificing, workhorse, superwoman, yada yada yada… Life isn’t what you see on Instagram, neither is motherhood. It’s not a rat race. Just love each other, maybe fight-and-apologize now and then, laugh together, live together, be compassionate toward others, and everything else can flow from there.