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Sunblock, Anyone?

  • Financial Literacy


All modesty aside, I have been complimented for having good skin on several occasions. It’s partly because of genes and mostly due to my skincare regimen. A lot of women probably know and follow the wash-tone-moisturize routine already. Well, there’s one last step that a lot of people forget to do, which is to apply sunblock. Most people think that sunblock is only necessary during summer when they’re going out for a swim or for an activity under the sun, but they forget that exposure to the sun is something that’s inevitable. We’re subjected to the elements every day and need the protection all year round. Exposure to the inevitable – do you see where I’m going here?

Let’s put together two wonderful things that are great at keeping us protected: sunblock, and life insurance. Apart from the common denominator of both products being used to protect us, what else do these two have in common? Well, let’s start with the basics. They’re both fantastic at providing protection and are always put on a shelf that’s out of reach because people don’t think they need them. Whether it’s the old “I’m still young, I’ll be fine” line someone’s throwing around, the ignorance remains harrowing.

Another stigma these two shares are the fact that people think they’re expensive. However, there are sunblock brands that are very affordable. Also, there are sunblocks mixed in with moisturizers; that’s value for money! Similarly, there are life insurance plans that not only protect you from untimely death but also provide living benefits.

As with re-applying your sunblock when it wears off, in the same goes for a financial planning program: you need to regularly review and update your program as you go through life’s stages. The savings sitting in your bank account isn’t going to be enough for the future expenses and unaccounted for situations that are bound to come your way.

Let all the misinformation and stigma surrounding these two products melt away and educate yourself in the benefits that they have to offer.  Sunblock has been getting some bad rep because some say that it does more harm than good. In a similar vein, life insurance has been put in a bad light because many people think it’s morbid. But why not learn the facts yourself? How about letting an InLife Financial Advisor shed light on the matter? InLife’s league of financial planning experts are dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals while keeping your best interests – and your loved ones’ – at heart. The company’s very promise is to help every Filipino family achieve #alifetimeforgood after all. If you’ve been gearing up to get yourself insured, now’s a good a time as any. One thing’s for sure: you can bet your future self will thank you for it.

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AUTHOR BIO Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

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