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Day 8: Awesome Photos We Took
- By InLife Sheroes
- Dec 18, 2019
Moments are fleeting. That’s why we take photos to keep memories vivid in our minds. With the abundance and affordability of quality smartphones these days, what once quickly faded can now be immortalized in the cloud in just one click.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Otherwise, how would we be able to share with each other these 8 beautiful and breath-taking sights from our Sheroes?
Side note: It’s not too late to get in on the spirit of giving. Send us your best of 2019 stories for the remaindeer (see what I did there?) of our Christmas countdown.
Okay, Google. Show us what you got!
1. El Nido, Palawan (Code name 3ENGR3)
Breakfast and this beautiful El Nido view!
2. Sagbayan, Bohol (Steph)
No filter sunrise at 5:23 AM
3. Carrot Peak, Mt.Tenglawan - Bakun, Benguet (Diane)
What makes it my favorite and most memorable photo for this year is because it is my longest dayhike on my 5 years of climbing. It took me 15 hours (8hrs to the top, 7hours going down) to complete this climb. I am definitely not one of the 'fast/speed' hikers out there but i have proved that patience, persistence and MORE patience makes an unbeatable combination for success. Indeed the best view comes from the hardest climb.
4. The air up there (Mary)
I always love taking photos of clouds while inside the plane. It's relaxing and instantly takes me on vacation mode.
5. Mount Mayon (Elsie)
This is one of the photos that captured my interests and silent moments.
6. The Deep Blue Sea (Trina)
Freediving makes me feel alive! The feeling gets even more intense as you go deeper - with no air tank, no technical gear - challenging your limits. It's just you, face to face with marine life.
7. Leyte Sky (Kim)
A reminder of how tiny we are in this universe. Tiny, but not insignificant.
8. The Beauty of Motherhood (Atet)
This photo may seem so simple but is so meaningful to me. Indeed, women are the most beautiful and powerful beings on earth. As a mother of three, I singlehandedly take care of them without any household help, making sure they truly are well taken care of, from the food they eat, their health, their studies, instilling discipline, and their whole well-being in general. Being a mother did not hinder me from doing my job at InLife so passionately that I always find time to juggle chores at home, my responsibilities to serve my clients, and looking for more clients.
A mother, a wife, a household helper, and a financial advisor, all-in-one, striving to be the ultimate being for her family, clients, community, and to the company she works for. Kudos to all modern day Sheroes who share these sentiments! May we have the spirit to continue give light to every single person in the family and the community.

Like these photos, Christmas is filled with all things bright and beautiful! So, let’s celebrate it as a means of showing the world that the real reason for the season -- the birth of Jesus Christ -- brings light and beauty into the hearts of everyone.
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