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    InLife Sheroes

    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

    Coping with Stress Through Laughter and Spirituality

    Effective stress management can result to a happier, healthier and more productive life.

    • Sep 27, 2021

    Six Great Side Hustles for Teachers

    Looking for ways to earn more money during the pandemic? We have six creative side hustles teachers can try to earn a few more Pesos from home!

    • Sep 23, 2021

    How Teachers Can Practice Self-Care

    During the pandemic, it’s easy to forget to practice self-care. We’re here to remind you that self-care isn’t selfish! Read on to learn our self-care tips for teachers.

    • Sep 10, 2021

    Why Students Need to Learn Financial Literacy

    Financial literacy is an important life skill, just like reading and writing. This is why it needs to be taught in school. Here are five reasons why it’s important.

    • Sep 03, 2021

    Take the Leap: Here's how to Start a Business in the New Normal

    The New Normal comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, especially for business owners. Read our quick guide on getting your business up and running!

    • Aug 23, 2021

    Nervous of Your Routine Checkup? Here's Why You Should Go Anyway

    There is no greater wealth than health. A routine checkup can spell the difference between a life cut short and a life well-lived.

    • Aug 13, 2021

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