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dancing mommy, enterpreneur, biker

    InLife Sheroes

    President & CEO
    Magsaysay Group of Companies
    2019 Asia CEO InLife Shero Grand Awardee
    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

    Nervous of Your Routine Checkup? Here's Why You Should Go Anyway

    There is no greater wealth than health. A routine checkup can spell the difference between a life cut short and a life well-lived.

    • Aug 13, 2021

    Take Charge of Your Finances with these 4 Financial Power Moves

    It’s never too late to be financially brave, SHERO! Level up your financial literacy and savings with these four power moves.

    • Aug 06, 2021

    COVID-19 Updates: Delta Variant and Vaccines

    Join us in this free webinar where we discuss how effective vaccines are and learn ways on how to protect ourselves from the new variant.

    • Aug 02, 2021

    Success According to Millennials

    Juggling many hats is never easy, but these Pinay millennials show us how they’ve done it. Read their amazing story here.

    • Jul 30, 2021

    Why We Need to Empower Women and Girls

    Empowered women are made at home. Learn how you can empower women and girls in your own little ways here

    • Jul 23, 2021

    Tips on How to Stay Physically and Emotionally Healthy

    Health goes beyond the physical. It involves working on your mind and your emotions as well. Learn more about it here.

    • Jul 16, 2021

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