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    InLife Sheroes

    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

    Diabetes in the Time of a Pandemic

    Diabetes has become alarmingly common worldwide and the Philippines is no exception. It may be chronic and incurable, but it can be managed, especially with funds on hand.

    • Aug 04, 2020

    How to Manage Stress During a Pandemic

    These are definitely very stressful times and to feel so is perfectly normal. The best we can do right now is to learn how to manage it.

    • Aug 04, 2020

      Mothers on the Frontline: The Embodiment of Resilience

      In Part 3 of the series, we talk to 3 women who refuse to let this health crisis stop them from building a brighter future for their families and their communities.

      • May 24, 2020

        Mothers on the Frontline: An Indispensable Gift

        This third Sunday of May, we honor three women who embrace willingly and take up gracefully their duties as both mother and frontliner during our most vulnerable days.

        • May 17, 2020

        Women at the Top

        The key to successfully climbing the corporate ladder is seizing every opportunity for growth, be it personal or professional, and making the most out of it.

        • May 01, 2020

        Empowering Women in the Age of Tech

        Technology has the power to blur the lines that divide men and women. Soon, more women will be able to come out of their shell and contribute to a better society for all.

        • May 13, 2020

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