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dancing mommy, enterpreneur, biker

    InLife Sheroes

    President & CEO
    Magsaysay Group of Companies
    2019 Asia CEO InLife Shero Grand Awardee
    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

    Your Celebrity Zodiac-Twin

    If you’ve ever wondered which other celebrities share your Chinese zodiac sign, look no further. We’ve tallied up some of the best ones here for you to celebrate the new lunar year.

    • Jan 25, 2020

    2020 Is Not A Rat Race

    If you’ve been coasting for a while and feel like you’re still yearning for something, it’s time to set that anchor and start making the most out of your situation.

    • Jan 10, 2020

    New Year, New #OOTD

    If you've been waiting for a sign to revamp your wardrobe, this is it! Here are style staples to keep you inspired for the year of bigger, brighter everything.

    • Jan 08, 2020

      Day 1: Wish This Christmas

      Merry Christmas! We have come to the end of our countdown. May all your heart's wishes and desires be fulfilled on this beautiful day.

      • Dec 25, 2019

        Day 2: Things We Did For Ourselves

        Christmas Eve is upon us. Although the spirit of giving is strong, we first fill our own cup before we pour into others'. Here are the 2 things we did to love ourselves.

        • Dec 24, 2019

          Day 3: New Things We Learned

          With Christmas coming in only 3 days, and the new year coming in a week's time, we can't help but remember and share with others the 3 most valuable lessons 2019 brought with it.

          • Dec 23, 2019

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