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dancing mommy, enterpreneur, biker

    InLife Sheroes

    President & CEO
    Magsaysay Group of Companies
    2019 Asia CEO InLife Shero Grand Awardee
    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

      Day 4: Goals to Get After in 2020

      With 4 days left before Christmas, let’s get in on what four of our goal-getter Sheroes have committed to achieve in 2020.

      • Dec 22, 2019

        Day 5: Challenges We Conquered

        Sound the alarm! There are only 5 days to go before Christmas. Today we talk about all the amazing feats and new heights we've achieved this year.

        • Dec 21, 2019

          Day 6: Ways We Treat Ourselves

          On the 6th day before Christmas, we're talking about pampering, splurging, indulging, relaxing, and all the things that make us feel good.

          • Dec 20, 2019

            Day 7: People We Are Thankful For

            Christmas is in 7 days. It's high time to thank the people who have made the past year amazing for us.

            • Dec 19, 2019

              Day 8: Awesome Photos We Took

              On the 8th day of Christmas, the Sheroes gave to me the most beautiful photos that humanize the world.

              • Dec 18, 2019

                Day 9: Mood-Boosting Foods

                With 9 days to go, we prepare ourselves for a long night of feasting on Christmas Eve by talking about food!

                • Dec 17, 2019

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