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dancing mommy, enterpreneur, biker

    InLife Sheroes

    President & CEO
    Magsaysay Group of Companies
    2019 Asia CEO InLife Shero Grand Awardee
    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

    The Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia

    Time spent in the office doing fulfilling work is great, but take time to indulge outside of that space every once in a while.

    • Dec 05, 2019

    Makeup Alternatives For Every Shero

    Let's take au naturale beauty to the next level with these fun hacks.

    • Oct 21, 2019

    Guilt-Free Grooming

    Clean out all the outdated and harmful pieces on your vanity. The name of the game is now guilt-free, and class is now in session.

    • Oct 21, 2019

    PCOS: What It Is And How You Can Overcome It

    Let's take on this lion of a health concern and dispell all of today's misconceptions in today's video with Doctora.

    • Jul 22, 2019

    Shop For Your Shape

    Ladies, when it comes down to finding the perfect #OOTD, there's always a winning formula to it. Check this article out to learn more!

    • Sep 30, 2019

    A Cinderella Story

    Life isn't all about having a fairy tale ending with the best pair of shoes in town. Sometimes, it's being prudent that gets you that win.

    • Nov 28, 2019

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